Pros & Cons of Robotic Vacuum Cleaners


There are many advantages to having a Robotic Vacuum cleaner in your home but there are also some disadvantages as well that you should be aware of. Some of them are obvious but more of them are not so obvious. After placing a Robotic Vacuum cleaner in our home for a few weeks, these are the main pros and cons that we came across which you may also experience and find helpful so let’s first start with the pros…

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Pros for the Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Lower Energy Usage – with the price of electricity going up, having a Robot Vacuum cleaner in your home will reduce the amount of energy used when compared to traditional vacuum cleaners. That being said, you should set the Robot vacuum only to work at certain days of the week and limit its use – there’s no need to be vacuuming continuously 7 days a week

Convenience – for the busy home, it is one less chore to face each week as the floor cleaning is provided for you automatically each week. This is hugely important when time is always against you with everything else that needs to be done in your home and for your family each and every week

Self-Recharging – the robotic vacuum cleaners can return back to the base when the battery levels are low, so you don’t have to worry about recharging the battery either. Plus, the higher spec more expensive brands can be controlled using your smart device to keep energy usage to an absolute minimum

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Cons for the Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Hard to Reach areas – due to the limitations of Robotic vacuums, you will most likely also need a traditional manual vacuum in your home for sofa spillages, stairways and harder to reach areas or even upholstery and curtains.

Suction Power – sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the Robotic vacuum cleaners tend to have a much lower level of suction power when compared to traditional vacuums especially when dealing with difficult or stubborn debris

Stairways – there is no chance that the Robotic vacuum can clean the stairs so you will need a backup traditional vacuum cleaner to deal with this

Costs – the price of a Robotic vacuum cleaner can cost 3 or even 4 times more than a traditional vacuum cleaner so you need to pay out a lot more money upfront

Preparation – there is a small amount of additional work needed on your end to prepare the floor areas such as the removal of delicate vases, cables, wires and other delicate furnishings.

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After using the Robotic Vacuum cleaner for a few weeks, these were the main pros and cons that we came across. They are a fantastic new addition to the home especially when there is a ton of their chores to look after each week such as the cooking, laundry, school runs, helping kids' homework and making lunches to mention just a few.

Having one less chore to do is a bliss and it helps to remove the pressure of having your house spotless clean week in week out. Yes, they are expensive and yes there are limitations to their use but when it comes to helping out with household chores, we would have to give it a big thumbs up!

Community Feedback

Are you thinking about buying a Robotic vacuum cleaner or do you have one already in your home? Perhaps you can educate the wider community by leaving your opinions and feedback in the comment box section provided below…

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